Thursday, 5 July 2018

Cathy Jamieson Update

“I'm pleased to be able to report back to Trust members on my first month as a Director of KFC. Since officially taking up the post on 1st June, I've met with other Directors, CEO and KFC staff, to get up to speed on key issues around the business side of the Club and see the work currently under way on the hospitality box, and tidying up of the East stand. I've also spent time meeting SLO Allen Kyle to discuss how we liaise to ensure that issues which need flagged up at Board level are taken there, as well as gathering ideas and views from supporters on improvements they would like to see in the future.

Along with Directors John Kiltie and Bill White, I attended the KFCSA AGM and issues raised there were followed up by us. I also met with the KFC Disabled Supporters Association to hear their views on how match day experience could be improved, and discuss what changes might need to be made to meet regulatory requirements.

My first Board meeting was on 29th June - the first opportunity to have all Directors and CEO in one place. I'm pleased that there was agreement that going forward a summary of Board meetings will be put together for the Club website. As everyone appreciates, there are confidential matters which can't go public, but it's important that supporters know the kind of issues that are being considered.  I also suggested that we have a standing item on the Agenda at each Board meeting to feed in updates/issues/ideas from the Trust, SLO and KFCSA, and that was also agreed.

One issue which has split opinion amongst the fans was the announcement of charges for match day mascots. While some were happy with this feeling it could be a great  birthday or Christmas gift,  others were concerned that kids from lower income families could lose out.  Some great ideas came from fans about how to attract sponsors for mascots, discounts for family groups of kids, and places for kids who deserved a "well done" for achievements. I can report that there will still be opportunities for kids to be mascots without paying - a particular thanks to Trust Members for ideas and offers to pay for places.

As you would expect, everyone wanted to ensure that Steve Clarke has the support he needs to deliver results on the pitch, which needs a sound financial basis for the Club to work from. The investment by the Trust was welcomed, and there will be further discussion on how that funding is utilised. Key issues going forward will include training facility, the pitch, and ongoing improvements in the stadium.

As announced on the Club website, Gregg McEwan has joined the Commercial Department, and was very quick to respond positively to my request that he meet with the Trust Board. I very much hope that we are seeing the start of a more co-operative way of working between the Club and the supporters. I can't promise that we will get everything supporters want, but we do now have a real opportunity to influence things, making the club successful commercially in order to invest in players and facilities, but also giving back to the community, and the fans who follow Killie week in, week out.”
Cathy Jamieson

As you can imagine not a lot has been happening during the close season in terms of TIK funding so we will bring you another update next month. Meanwhile it is hugely important that we don’t think the job is done and start to grow it even further...following our last Trust Board meeting and consultation with members we have decided to drop the Premium subscription and introduce a £10 rate going forward, there will be no rewards for that apart from a draw for an ‘Oxford Blue’ t-shirt every month. You ask and we deliver, that’s how we’ve made this work, together we are stronger.

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